Updated Articles

  1. Encryption: Emails in Microsoft 365

    This article reviews how to encrypt emails in Outlook on Microsoft 365 and Webmail . See also:  Encryption: External Storage Drives When & why Encryption is required if you must send emails containing financial  or p...
  2. Panopto: Record lecture using desktop app

    Panopto combines lecture-capture software and a video-streaming platform to facilitate recording in-person classes or talks and sharing those recordings with others. Panopto can capture audio and video of the person lecturing, plus a screencast ...
  3. Moodle: Message course participants

    Instructors have three options for communicating with participants in a class: Announcements, Quickmail, and Messaging. This article explains how they work and when to use them.  Before you start , you may need the following: an Instruc...
  4. Moodle: Instant Messaging

    Moodle has a built-in instant messaging system that all Moodlers can use to send IMs to their teachers and classmates. It works like Slack, Teams and other IM systems: if you message someone who is currently logged in, they see a pop-up notifica...
  5. Drupal - Special Role: EMS

    Creating/Submitting Event For creating/submitting an Event, please follow the askAthena article on Events at https://askathena.brynmawr.edu/help/drupal-events-in-drupal . Your EMS Role will not change that process at all. EMS Role In ord...
  6. Moodle: Get accessible alternative formats for course materials

    Moodle course participants can use the   new Yuja Panorama  integration with Moodle to convert course documents and web pages to alternative accessible formats such as Immersive Reader, Audio Podcast, and Braille.   Before...
  7. Drupal - Special Role - Story Editor (Group)

    Story Content Type How Story displays in the website Stories display on a main List Page hub, featured in pages and news, and as the actual detail page of the story. Lists Main Listing Page The main List Page features a manually curated Fea...
  8. Print with a departmental printer

    Departmental printers are available throughout campus for the use of faculty and staff members. Students cannot use these printers unless they've been granted specific permissions . To locate a departmental printer, ask the nearest administ...
  9. Moodle: Add course blocks

      Blocks on Moodle display resources that are often used by both instructors and students. This article describes how to Add Course Blocks to a Moodle site . Before you start , you will need: An Instructor of Record or Other Editi...
  10. Moodle: Schedule class Zoom meetings

    Instructors can create and manage Zoom Meetings associated with a Moodle course using   the Zoom activity in Moodle . The advantages to using the Moodle Zoom activity instead of the Zoom web portal or desktop/mobile app are: Course...