Moodle: Get a merged Moodle site for a multi-section course

By default, Bionic creates a Moodle course for every section of a multi-section academic course. If you plan to use the same content and activities in multiple sections, we can create a merged course shell that enrolls all students from those sections so you only have one course to maintain. You can merge the courses yourself or request that LITS do it for you. 

To re-use course materials from a previous semester in a current course, see Moodle: Copy content from another course instead.

Before you start, you will need:

  • an Instructor of record or Other editing teacher role in all courses to merge them yourself
  • If you do not have a teacher role in all courses, LITS can merge the courses for you.

Request LITS merge course sections

You will need the course subject and number (BIOLB101, etc.) and the section numbers (00A, 00B, etc.) of the courses you want us to merge. You should also decide whether you want us to create a Group for each section when we perform the merge. Section groups are useful if you sometimes need to e-mail sections separately or limit access to resources or activities by section.  

  1. Go to our Moodle: Merged Site for Multi-Section Course service page.
  2. Click Request a Merged Site and log in using your college credentials if prompted.  
  3. Fill out the form and click Submit

The next available Moodle system admin will create the merged course and email you when it is complete or they have questions. We will hide the original course shells for you so only the merged course is visible to students. 

Merge course sections yourself

Instructors of record and Other editing teachers can merge their own courses if they are in the same subject (AFST, ARCH, etc.) and semester. (If need other courses merged, request that LITS merge them instead.)

  1. From your Moodle dashboard, open one of the courses you would like to merge.
  2. Toggle Edit mode on, click the More drop-down menu, then select Create merged course shell.
  1. Use the Search... bar to select one or multiple Courses to merge
  1. Type in a Course full name for the new shell.
  2. Open the Show More... menu to type in a Course shortname. 
    • To ensure courses sort correctly, we recommend using the shortname Bionic created and substituting "merged" or "labmerged" for the section number (e.g., bmc.chem.b200.merged.f23).
  3. Leave the remaining settings on the defaults and click Create.

You will end up on the main page of your new, merged course. 

Videos & further reading on merged courses


If you have any additional questions or problems, don't hesitate to reach out to the Help Desk!

Phone: 610-526-7440 | Library and Help Desk hours
Email: help@brynmawr.eduService catalog
Location: Canaday Library 1st floor