Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha Pro

This article reviews how to access and install Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha Pro.


Mathematica is available in various versions, with Mathematica Desktop pre-installed on all public and lab computers!

  • Mathematica Desktop: downloadable application
  • Mathematica Online: web-based workspace

More information: Parallel computing

The College's license allows for parallel computing on dedicated research clusters, and in ad-hoc or distributed grid environments. For details or to request access, please contact Andy Dorsett at

Mathematica Desktop

User Device Requires the VPN while off-campus? Requires renewal? License
Faculty & Staff College Green check mark Red error sign License server
Faculty & Staff College Red error sign Green check mark Activation key
Faculty & Staff Personal Red error sign Green check mark Activation key
Students Personal Red error sign Green check mark Activation key

License server

Use Software Center to install the latest version of Mathematica.

Activation key


  • Every year, you will need to request a new activation key.
  • The following instructions require a Wolfram ID. To get one, see create a Wolfram ID below.

Faculty/staff with a College computer and students with any computer:

Faculty/staff with a personally owned computer:

Mathematica Online

Warning: The following instructions require a Wolfram ID, follow the instructions below to create one.

  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Navigate to the Mathematica Online Request Form
  3. If prompted, login with your Wolfram ID
  4. Complete the Request Form and click Submitscreenshot of a blank mathematica online request form
  5. Wait 15 minutes for access to be provisioned
  6. Navigate to
  7. If prompted, click Sign in and login with your Wolfram ID

Wolfram|Alpha Pro

Warning: The following instructions require a Wolfram ID, follow the instructions below to create one.

  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Navigate to the Wolfram|Alpha Pro Request Form
  3. If prompted, login with your Wolfram ID
  4. Complete the Request Form and click Submit
    screenshot of a blank wolfram alpha request form
  5. Wait 15 minutes for access to be provisioned
  6. Navigate to
  7. Click Sign in and login with your Wolfram ID

Create a Wolfram ID

  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Navigate to
  3. Fill out the form using your College email address
    account creation form for a wolfram ID using an example bryn mawr email address
  4. Click Create Wolfram ID
  5. Check your email and click the link to activate your Wolfram ID
    verification email from wolfram with link to validate email address

Support and resources

Mathematica support

Wolfram|Alpha support


If you have any additional questions or problems, don't hesitate to reach out to the Help Desk!

Phone: 610-526-7440 | Library and Help Desk hours
Email: help@brynmawr.eduService catalog
Location: Canaday Library 1st floor