Panopto: Enable video downloads

In most cases, you will use Panopto to share recordings. When you provide other users Viewer access or share share viewing links with them, they will be able to stream your videos, but NOT download them. This allows you to share your recordings without giving up control of your content.

There is a downside, however: streaming is data-intensive and doesn't work if you have a poor internet connection. As a result, you may want to enable viewers to download videos to their devices so they can watch them offline. Panopto gives you a few different ways to enable this.

Enable downloads at the folder level

  1. Go to the folder and click  > Settings 
  2. A new menu will open. Click Settings from its menu.
  3. Under Downloads, change the Download enabled setting to either of the following:
    • Authenticated users with access — enables anyone with access or a link to the folder AND an account on Bryn Mawr's Panopto site to download your recordings. Use this setting when you want to restrict downloads to Bryn Mawr community members and students enrolled in Bryn Mawr academic courses.
    • All users with access — use this setting if you want anyone who has access to the folder to be able to download recordings. 

Panopto video settings window to enable downloads

  1. Changes are applied immediately! Click X Close to leave this menu.

This change will apply to all recordings in this folder. Please only do this if you want to give others this wide-ranging access to the download feature.

Use folders to enable downloads for a subset of viewers

You can use the ability to enable downloads on the folder level to deal with situations where you only want certain community members to be able to download recordings. For instance, you may want to only enable downloads for someone with persistent internet issues. In such cases, do the following:

  1. Create a new Panopto folder. (see How to Create a New Folder from Panopto if you need help doing this).
  2. Share the folder with the individuals who need download access (see Panopto: Share Recordings if you need help doing this).
  3. Enable downloads for the folder.
  4. Create reference copies of the videos you want to put into this folder (see Panopto's article
  5. Learn About Video Reference Copies if you're unfamiliar with this feature). Then move these reference copies to the folder (consult Panopto's article How to Copy and Move Videos if you need help with this step).

Enable downloads for individual videos

  1. Find the video for which your want to enable downloads and click Settings
  2. A new menu will open. Click Overview.
  3. Under Downloads, change Download enabled to either:
    • Authenticated users with access — enables anyone with access or a link to the video AND an account on Bryn Mawr's Panopto site to download your recordings. Use this setting when you want to restrict downloads to Bryn Mawr community members and students enrolled in Bryn Mawr academic courses.
    • All users with access — use this setting if you want anyone who has access to the video to be able to download recordings. 

Panopto video overview window

Use this option if you want to give viewers the ability to download only certain videos within a folder.


If you have any additional questions or problems, don't hesitate to reach out to the Help Desk!

Phone: 610-526-7440 | Library and Help Desk hours
Email: help@brynmawr.eduService catalog
Location: Canaday Library 1st floor