Note: WordPress limits what content may be embedded and where for security reasons (e.g. to prevent malicious code from being inserted into a blog). If code is removed or changed when you attempt to embed it, please contact Web Services for assistance. Content may be embedded in a WordPress post or page from most major video and image sites, as well as sites like PollDaddy and Scribd. A complete list of supported sites is available in the WordPress Codex. Please contact Web Services for assistance if you want to embed code from other sites, or if you want to embed code in areas other than a post or page (e.g. the sidebar).
Embedding content in a blog post or page:
- Find the URL (address) of your video (e.g.
) or other content and copy it. - Paste the URL into your post or page where you want the content to appear.
- Publish your post when it is done.
Changing the size of embedded content:
You'll need to use the embed shortcode in your post or page.
- In the post or page where you want the content to appear , type
[embed width="x" height="y"] [/embed]
where x and y are your desired width and height (in pixels). - Find the URL of your content or other content and copy it.
- Paste the URL in between the embed opening and closing tags, like so:
[embed width="400" height="233"][/embed]
- Publish your post when it is done.
How the heck do I figure out what size my content should be?/My content is squished!
Visual content like videos and images usually need proportional width and height (aspect ratio) to look right.
If you're changing the size of the content when you embed it, you'll need to keep this in mind.
Many sites have different default sizes for you to choose, or will help you calculate proportions for a custom size.
A few examples for finding the size are provided below, for use with the [embed]
shortcode tag instructions above.
For help changing content sizes with another site, please refer to that site's documentation, or contact Web Services via the Help Desk for assistance.
In YouTube:
Click "Share" beneath the video.
Click "Embed" in the menu that appears.
You cannot use the Embed code here, but you can refer to the listed width/height combinations, or use the custom size calculator (e.g. type "200" in width, and a proportional height will appear, and you can copy these into the width and height in your embed tag).
In Flickr: (for images)
Click "Share" above the image you would like to share.
Click "Grab the HTML/BBCode"
You cannot use the Embed code here, but you can refer to the listed width/height combinations in the dropdown menu.
In Flickr: (for slideshows)
Click the "Slideshow" button on the page for the photo set you would like to turn into a slideshow.
On the Slideshow page, click "Share", then click "Customize this HTML" in the menu that appears.
You cannot use the Embed code here, but you can refer to the preset sizes listed (e.g. small/medium/large) or enter a custom size.
Be sure to leave the "maintain aspect ratio" box checked to keep the proportions correct.
If you have any additional questions or problems, don't hesitate to reach out to the Help Desk!
Phone: 610-526-7440 | Library and Help Desk hours
Email: | Service catalog
Location: Canaday Library 1st floor