Moodle: Extra credit

If you are using Moodle to calculate grades for a course, you can count Moodle Activities (such as Quizzes, Assignments or Forums) as extra credit and add extra-credit grade items and categories to the Gradebook to factor in non-Moodle activities. (If you only use Moodle to record and display grades to students, and don't calculate category or course-level totals this isn't necessary.) 

Before you start, you will need:

Make a Moodle Activity extra credit

Award students extra credit for completing a Quiz, Assignment, Forum or other Activity, without penalizing the students who don't attempt it.

Offer extra credit for non-Moodle activities

Create extra credit grade items to record extra credit earned for a non-Moodle activity (such as attending a talk or visiting an exhibition) in the Moodle Gradebook.

Count a Grade category as extra credit

It also possible to count an entire Grade category as extra credit when calculating the overall course (or a higher-level category) grade.

Videos & further reading on extra credit in Moodle


If you have any additional questions or problems, don't hesitate to reach out to the Help Desk!

Phone: 610-526-7440 | Library and Help Desk hours
Email: help@brynmawr.eduService catalog
Location: Canaday Library 1st floor