Grades, Feedback, and Completion


Moodle: Set up a course gradebook
Use the Gradebook to record grades for both Moodle and non-Moodle activities  (e.g., oral presentations) and display them to students (each student sees only their own grades). You can calculate category-level and final course grades in Moodle...
Moodle: Hide grades from students
  Hiding a grade item or category prevents students from seeing the grade and any feedback an instructor has provided.  Before you start , you may need access to the following: an Instructor of record or Other editing teac...
Moodle: Extensions, overrides, and accommodations
Moodle Assignment , Lesson and Quiz activities have a  User  Overrides option that allows you to change settings for specific students to provide accommodations, extensions, or make-up opportunities .  Before you start ...
Moodle: Download assignment to grade offline
Did you know that you can download Assignment submissions in bulk to grade them and then re-upload the graded assignments back into Moodle? This works for with both anonymous grading (blind marking) and non-anonymous grading workflows. This a...
Moodle: Grade assignments with Annotate PDF
Instructors can mark and  leave digital comments on  Assignment submissions within Moodle by using the Annotate PDF  feedback option. Annotate PDF allows you to   highlight, write or type comments, add stamps, and post notes in PDF do...
Moodle: Use grading workflow to manage assignment feedback
Use Moodle's Grading workflow option for Assignments to h ide Assignment grades from students until ALL submissions have been graded (by default, each student can see their own grade as soon as it is entered) or to  manage the work of mul...
Moodle: Extra credit
If you are using Moodle to calculate grades for a course, you can count   Moodle Activities (such as Quizzes, Assignments or Forums)  as extra credit  and add extra-credit grade items and categories  to the Gradebook to factor in no...