This article reviews how to install and connect to the College's VPN software.
Warning: You cannot use the VPN to access any region-locked content or bypass internet censorship regulations.

What is a VPN?
A VPN allows Bryn Mawr College community members to access their College network drives while off-campus. The application used to access the VPN is called Palo Alto GlobalProtect.
- Stay connected for up to 9 hours at a time
- Automatic logout after 60 minutes* of inactivity
*a pop-up message will appear at the 50-minute mark
Prerequisite: If you have Ivanti Secure Access Client installed, please uninstall it before continuing.
- Click the Windows Search bar
- Type in and click on Control Panel
- In the top-right, ensure "View by" is set to Small icons
- Click Programs and Features
- Select
Ivanti Secure Access Client
- Along the grey bar at the top of the list, click Uninstall
- Wait some time for Ivanti to uninstall
- Repeat Steps 5-7 for
Pulse Secure Application Launcher
and Pulse Secure Setup Client
- Restart your computer
macOS (College-owned)
- Open Software Center
- On the left-hand pane, click Browse > Self Service
- Find "Uninstall old VPN clients" and click Remove
- Wait some time for Ivanti to uninstall
- Restart your computer
macOS (Personal)
- Boot into Safe Mode
- Open Finder and select the Applications folder
- Click-and-drag Ivanti Secure Access to the Trash
- Within the "Applications" folder, open Utilities > Terminal
- Type in each of the following commands and press Enter after each one
Warning: you may be prompted to enter your personal Mac password.
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles true
Killall Finder
sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Juniper\ Networks/SetupClient
sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Juniper\ Networks/
sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Pulse\ Secure/SetupClient
sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Pulse\ Secure/
rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/Juniper\ Networks
rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/Pulse\ Secure
sudo rm -rf /Applications/Network\
sudo rm -rf /Applications/Pulse\
sudo /usr/local/juniper/nc/install/
sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Pulse\ Secure
rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/Pulse\ Secure
sudo rm -rf /Applications/Ivanti\ Secure\
- Open Finder
- At the top of your desktop, click Go > Go to Folder...
- Type in
~/Library/Application Support
and press Enter
- Click-and-drag the following folders to the Trash
Juniper Networks
Pulse Secure
- At the top of your desktop, click Go > Go to Folder...
- Type in
/Library/Application Support
and press Enter
- If present, click-and-drag the following folders to the Trash
Juniper Networks
Pulse Secure
- Open Finder and select the Applications folder
- Open Utilities > Terminal
- Type in each of the following commands and press Enter after each one
Warning: you may be prompted to enter your personal Mac password.
- Restart your computer
College computers can use Software Center to install GlobalProtect automatically!
- Open Software Center
- Find "GlobalProtect - Per-system unattended" and click Install
- Wait some time for GlobalProtect to install
Attention: GlobalProtect must be installed manually on personal computers.
- Open Google Chrome
- Navigate to
- Log in with your College email and password
- Click Download Windows 64 bit GlobalProtect agent
- Run the
file that downloads
- Click Next > Next > Next > Yes > Close
College computers can use Software Center to install GlobalProtect automatically!
- Open Software Center
- On the left-hand pane, click Browse > Security & Privacy
- Find "Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN" and click Install
- Wait some time for GlobalProtect to install
Attention: GlobalProtect must be installed manually on personal computers.
- Open GlobalProtect
- Windows (): Click the Windows Search bar > Type in "GlobalProtect"
- macOS (): Open Finder > Applications
Attention: If this is your first time connecting...
- Click Get Started
- For "Portal", type in
Click Connect

Attention: If your default browser doesn't open, you may need to change your .HTML file association.
- Click the Windows Search bar
- Type in and click on Settings
- Navigate to Apps > Default Apps
- Under "Set a default for a file type or link type", type in
- Click the link icon
From the list, select your default internet browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.)
- Click Set Default
- Open GlobalProtect
- In the top-right, click the menu icon
- Click Cancel > OK
- Follow the connection instructions listed above
- Open Google Chrome
- Navigate to
- In the top-right, click the vertical ellipsis
- Select Cast, Save, and Share > Save Page As...
- Save the file to your Desktop
- Open Finder and navigate to your Desktop
- Right-click (or Ctrl+click) the file and select Get Info
- Expand the Open with: section

- From the list, select your default internet browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.)
- Click Change All... > Continue
- Open GlobalProtect
- In the top-right, click the menu icon
- Click Cancel > OK
- Follow the connection instructions listed above
- Type in your College email and password
- Wait until GlobalProtect is connected

If you are having trouble connecting to the VPN, please remove and re-add the connection.
- Open GlobalProtect
- In the top-right, click the menu icon
Click Settings
- Under "Manage Portals", click
and click the Trash icon

Click Delete and close the window
- Open Global Protect
- For "Portal", type in
- Follow the connection instructions listed above
If you have any additional questions or problems, don't hesitate to reach out to the Help Desk!
Phone: 610-526-7440 | Library and Help Desk hours
Email: | Service catalog
Location: Canaday Library 1st floor