Shipping Devices to LITS

Shipping your device is a last resort and is only done when a College-provided device is suffering a time-sensitive issue and is agreed upon by a LITS technician. This article reviews when and how to do so, when necessary.

Warning: Shipping a device should be the last resort — always transport a device in-person when possible.

When to ship

Shipping your device to LITS should always be a last resort, it is always preferable to transport the device in-person.

Never ship your device to LITS unless it is agreed upon with a Support Technician in a ticket. When determining whether to ship a device or not, consider:

  • Is the issue time-sensitive?
  • When will you next be on-campus?
  • Can the issue be addressed remotely?

Packaging & Shipping

To ensure your device isn't damaged or lost in transit, consider the following:

  • Pack the device so that it does not move within the box
  • Wrap the device in multiple layers of bubble wrap or 1"-2" thick foam
  • Purchase a tracking number and store it securely

When possible, use a carrier's electronics-specific packaging:


If you have any additional questions or problems, don't hesitate to reach out to the Help Desk!

Phone: 610-526-7440 | Library and Help Desk hours
Email: help@brynmawr.eduService catalog
Location: Canaday Library 1st floor