LITS's Device Replacement Cycle

This article reviews the replacement process for College-provided computers and how to prepare your device!

The process

LITS strives to make the computer replacement process as straightforward yet robust as possible. Our goal is to configure your new device as closely to your current one to help minimize downtime and frustration.

icon of a person with a headset icon of a buy button with a mouse cursor clicking it icon of a person sitting behind a desk waiting for a computer icon of a laptop that says new icon of a laptop with a recylcing icon overlayed
Consultation Purchase Configuration Deployment Retirement

Step 1: Consultation

A technician will meet you via ticket, phone call, or in-person appointment to discuss your ideal replacement device.

  • Budgeting concerns
  • Hardware requirements
  • Software

Step 2: Purchase

Any necessary budget codes will be collected and the ticket reassigned to our IT Purchasing team for processing.

Attention: Estimated delivery dates will be provided once the device has been ordered.

Step 3: Configuration

The technician will meet with you remotely or in-person to review your current computer.

  • Connected accessories
  • Device settings
  • Locally-stored data (including browser data)
  • Printers
  • Software

Attention: Due to time constraints, we are unable to back up data for you during the replacement appointment.

If you require assistance, please inform the technician at this step.

Step 4: Deployment

A 1-hour appointment, at your office, will be scheduled to set up your new device and collect your current one.

See more: The new device deployment process can be found in New College computer? Start here!

Warning: The assigned LITS technician must leave with your current device.

Step 5: Retirement

Your previous device will be securely stored for two weeks before it is processed depending on its age and condition.

Preparing for the appointment

What's going to happen?

Review the replacement process above. Please be aware that we must leave with your current device.

Locally-stored data

Ensure all local data is backed upIf you require assistance, please inform the technician ASAP.

  • Desktop, Documents, Downloads, etc.
  • Browser Bookmarks
  • Passwords saved in a browser

Prepare your office space

Clean your workspace and clear any tripping hazards. Gather all hardware that came with your device.

  • Computer
  • Power adapter
  • Docking station (if applicable)


If you have any additional questions or problems, don't hesitate to reach out to the Help Desk!

Phone: 610-526-7440 | Library and Help Desk hours
Email: help@brynmawr.eduService catalog
Location: Canaday Library 1st floor