Moodle: Use grading workflow to manage assignment feedback

Use Moodle's Grading workflow option for Assignments to hide Assignment grades from students until ALL submissions have been graded (by default, each student can see their own grade as soon as it is entered) or to manage the work of multiple graders.

Before you start, you need:

  • An Instructor of record or Other editing teacher in a Bryn Mawr Moodle course to change Assignment settings.
  • One of these roles or a Non-editing teacher role to grade assignments.  

Enable grading workflow

Warning: Do this BEFORE anyone starts grading. (You can edit these settings after students have started submitting work, however.)  

  1. Create the Assignment if you haven't already (click +Add an activity or resource; then select Assignment).
  2. Open the Assignment Settings page (click the Assignment to open it, then click Settings in the top menu). 
  3. Click Grade to expand it.
  4. Set Use grade workflow to Yes.
  5. If there are multiple graders, change Use grading allocation to Yes as well.
  6. Click Save and Display.

Manage grading status and allocations

Once grading workflow is enabled, all Instructors of record and Other editing and Non-editing teachers (referred to here as "graders") will be able to view and assign a grading status to each submission. If grading allocation is on, they can also assign a grader.

  1. Click on the Assignment to open it.
  2. Click View all submissions.
  3. If the Submissions table is not editable, check the Quick grading box in the Options section beneath the table. (Moodle will remember this setting.)
  4. If desired, use the filters in the Options section to narrow down the visible submissions.
  5. Use the drop-down menu in the Status column to change a submission's Grading status:
    • Choose Released to make a submission grade and feedback visible to the student who submitted it. (See What Students See, below.)
    • All other Grading statuses (Not graded, In grading, Grading completed, In review, Ready for release) are visible to students if they check the Submission status section of the Assignment page, but do not reveal anything else.
  6. If grading allocation is enabled, a Grader column appears
    1. If Grading status is Not graded or In grading, click the Choose menu in the Grader column to assign a submission to yourself or another grader.
    2. For any other Grading status, this column will list the Grader if one was assigned, but will not be editable.  
    3. Grader assignments are NOT visible to students. (See What Students See, below.)
  7. Click Save all quick grading changes to apply your changes. 

Change grading status or allocations in bulk

  1. Click on the Assignment, then click View all submissions.
  2. If the Submissions table is not editable, check the Quick grading box in the Options section beneath table.
  3. In the Select column:
    • Check the box in the table header to select all submissions OR 
    • Check boxes next to each submission you want to change (selections will be highlighted in yellow)
  4. Find the With selected … menu and choose:
    • Set grading workflow state to change the Grading status.
    • Set allocated grader to change the Grader
  5. Click Go.
  6. Choose the appropriate Grading workflow state or Allocated grader. 
  7. Click Save changes.

Manage grading using Groups

If you have set up Groups for your course you can use them to manage and allocate grading.

  1. Edit the Group mode setting for the Assignment:
    1. Open the Assignment.
    2. Choose the option for Settings.
    3. Scroll down and click Common modules settings to expand it.
    4. Change the Group mode to Visible groups.
    5.  Click Save and display.
  2. Click View All Submissions.
  3. There will be a new Visible groups menu; select a group to display only the students in that group.
  4. Check the box in the heading of the Select column to select all submissions. Selected submissions will be checked and highlight in yellow as shown below.
  5. Go to the With selected … menu and choose Set allocated grader.
  6. Click Go.
  7. You will see a list of the students you selected, choose the appropriate Allocated grader and click Save changes.

What students see

When students open an Assignment, they see a Submission status table with information about the assignment deadline (if set), whether and when they submitted work, and a Grading status

Example of a Submission status page in Moodle.

  • If Grading workflow is not enabled, the Grading status displays Not Graded if no grade has been entered or Graded with the grade and feedback. 
  • If Grading workflow is enabled, the Grading status displays the status a grader has chosen in the View Submissions table
    • When a grader changes the Grading Status is changed to Released, the grade and feedback will also become visible.
    • Grader assignments are never visible to students. 


If you have any additional questions or problems, don't hesitate to reach out to the Help Desk!

Phone: 610-526-7440 | Library and Help Desk hours
Email: help@brynmawr.eduService catalog
Location: Canaday Library 1st floor