Moodle: Complete course evaluations

At the end of each academic term, students enrolled in Bryn Mawr courses for that term will see prompts and reminders to complete their end-of-semester course evaluations when logged into Moodle. Click on links in these messages to log into the College's course evaluation platform and complete your evaluations.

Before you start, you will need to be:

  • A Registered student role in a Bryn Mawr course that is currently being evaluated.

Complete evaluations

The Office of the Provost sends instructors and students an email announcement about end-of-term course evaluations shortly before they begin. If your course(s) are being evaluated, you will begin seeing Please Complete Your Course Evaluations pop-up reminders on your Moodle Dashboard shortly after this:

  • Click Go To Survey to begin your course evaluations
  • Click Do It Later to skip them (the reminder will pop up again later).  

To see a list of course evaluations you need to complete and due dates, click Open Block Drawer on your Dashboard to view the EvaluationKIT User Access block. (If this block doesn't appear, you have completed all of your evaluations!) 

Student view of EvaluationKIT User Access, showing list of courses to evaluate.

Note: Email if a course is missing or wrongly included!


Things to consider if you aren't seeing course evaluation prompts or the EvaluationKit User Access block in Moodle:

  • Are course evaluations open? You should only see the reminders and the block while course evaluations are underway. If course evaluations haven't started or have closed, then not seeing the block is normal.  
  • Have you already completed all of your evaluations? It is normal for the reminders and block to disappear after you complete all of your evaluations. (Log into Watermark Course Evaluations and surveys using the alternative instructions below to check.)  
  • Are you looking for a Haverford course? Bryn Mawr Moodle won't show reminders for these courses since they aren't on the Bryn Mawr Moodle site. Use the links in the email the Provost's Office sent you instead or contact for further assistance.
  • Clear your browser cache or open Moodle in a private browser. Many types of tech issues are fixed by clearing old cached data, which both of these actions accomplish.
  • Reset your Moodle Dashboard. If you accidentally moved or deleted the EvaluationKIT User Access block this will re-add it:
    1. Go to your Dashboard.
    2. Toggle Edit Mode on using the switch in the top right. 
    3. Click the Reset page to default button. 
  • Use an alternative method to access the Watermark Course Evaluation and Surveys site:


If you have any additional questions or problems, don't hesitate to reach out to the Help Desk!

Phone: 610-526-7440 | Library and Help Desk hours
Email: help@brynmawr.eduService catalog
Location: Canaday Library 1st floor