Panopto: Get emailed when videos are posted

Panopto can notify viewers when new videos are posted to a class folder or shared folder. However, the feature will only work if both you and the viewers in these folders opt into receiving these notifications.  

Before you start, you may need access to the following:

Turn on notifications for your folder

  1. Navigate to your course folder (or other folder with shared videos) and open it.
  2. Go to the folder and click  > Settings .
  3. A pop-up window will open. Go to the Settings tab within it.
  4. Check the box next to Notify viewers via email and Microsoft Teams (if connected) when new videos are ready.

Panopto video settings with box checked for Notify viewers via email and Microsoft Teams (if connected) when new videos are ready

Attention: Only creators or videographers can change these settings. The settings only apply to videos recorded or uploaded to this folder. 

Have viewers turn on notifications for their account

Even if you turn on notifications for a folder, its viewers will not receive emails or Teams messages when a new video is posted UNLESS they enable notifications as well. They can do this by completing the following steps:

  1. In Panopto, clicking on their user avatar.
  2. In the drop-down menu that opens, click User Settings.
  3. A pop-menu will open. They need to find the Notifications tab within it. 
  4. In the Video and Folder Notifications section of this tab, they will need to check the box Notify me via email and Microsoft Teams (if connected) when videos finish processing. This change will automatically be saved.

User Settings pop up with check next to Notify me via email and Microsoft Teams (if connected) when videos finish processing

Attention: When users enable this feature, they will also get notifications when a recording is added to their My Folder within Panopto, as well as when recordings are added to any other folder where the owner has enabled notifications. 


If you have any additional questions or problems, don't hesitate to reach out to the Help Desk!

Phone: 610-526-7440 | Library and Help Desk hours
Email: help@brynmawr.eduService catalog
Location: Canaday Library 1st floor