

Panopto: Get and log into your account
Panopto is  an  online, lecture- capture and video-streaming platform  that   Bryn Mawr students,  faculty, and  staff can use to crea te, host, and share streaming video and audio files . It works much like YouTube , but...
Panopto: Record in your browser (Panopto Capture)
Panopto Capture is a completely browser-based screen capture system that allows you to capture audio, video, and your device's screen or application windows in a recording. Panopto Capture is a good alternative to the Panopto desktop recordin...
Panopto: Record lecture using desktop app
Panopto combines lecture-capture software and a video-streaming platform to facilitate recording in-person classes or talks and sharing those recordings with others. Panopto can capture audio and video of the person lecturing, plus a screencast ...
Panopto: Add a presentation or web content to a recording
When creating a Panopto recording, you may want to add content from a PowerPoint presentation, third-party application, or web browser to your recording. Panopto supports all of these functionalities. In fact, it can save presentations from Po...
 Panopto: Upload audio or video files
Panopto is the College's lecture-capture and video-streaming platform. You can use it to record lectures ; this article explains how to upload audio and video files created or recorded elsewhere to Panopto to share them with others. Panop...
Panopto: Change sharing permissions
By default, Panopto recordings inherit — or have the same Share settings as — the folder in which they are stored. However, you can edit Share settings at the folder or individual recording level. Change a folder's sharing setting...
Panopto: Where are my recordings?
Where your Panopto files are stored and how to find them.
Panopto: Edit videos
Once you’ve recorded and uploaded a video to Panopto, you may notice things you would like to change. Panopto gives you the ability to make limited edits within its web version. How to Trim a Video Search for your video and ...
Panopto: Captions
Panopto offers several different ways to add captions to recordings, including translated captions. Once captions are added, viewers will be able to turn them on during playback in Panopto’s viewer window or, if they download a recording, us...
Panopto: Create Accessible Captions
Create Accessible Captions  College policies require that recordings published on a college website or used in academic courses have captions that are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). While Panopto will automa...
Panopto: Add the Panopto block to a Moodle course
The Panopto block  creates a link between your Moodle course and Panopto so that students can easily view class recordings. Before You Start , you may need access to the following: a Instructor of record or Other editing teacher rol...
Panopto: Manage Class Recordings in Moodle
You can manage class recording from your Moodle course page by using the Panopto block. Please read  Panopto: Add the Panopto block to a Moodle course for helping adding it to your course. Once you've done this, you'll be able to share recording...
Panopto: Copy recordings to a new course
Panopto has a new feature that enables you to quickly copy all of the videos from the Panopto folder of an old course into the Panopto folder for a new Moodle course . This feature was designed to make it easier for instructors to reuse mater...
Panopto: Collect audiovisual assignments
Panopto provides a few different methods for students to upload audio and video recordings as part of a class assignment or project. Each method has different the pros and cons that you should consider when choosing which to use. Befo...
Panopto: Student guide to uploading and recording videos
Panopto , Bryn Mawr’s lecture capture system, is available to all Bryn Mawr College students as well as any non-Bryn Mawr students enrolled in a Bryn Mawr course. Please read Panopto: Get and log into your account if you need help acces...
Panopto: Quizzes
Panopto enables video Creators to add quiz questions at any point in a recording. This can be a good way to keep students engaged and measure their understanding of a recording's content. Before you start , you will need: ...
Panopto: Enable video downloads
In most cases, you will use Panopto to share recordings. When you provide other users Viewer access  or share share viewing links with them, they will be able to stream your videos, but NOT  download them. This allows you to share your...
Panopto: Get emailed when videos are posted
Panopto can notify viewers when new videos are posted to a class folder or shared folder. However, the feature will only work if both you and the viewers in these folders opt into receiving these notifications.   Before you sta...
Panopto: Record with multiple video sources
Caution: Video settings do NOT affect your audio settings. You can only have one audio source at a time, which you select under Primary SourceAudio  in Panopto for Mac and Panopto for Windows once you open a recording session and by clic...
Panopto: Department folders
Do you have a library of recordings you would like to jointly manage with others or display on a public, curated landing page with featured recordings and playlists? Panopto offers department folders for just these kinds of situation. Playlists ...
Panopto: Training and learning resources
Panopto is the College's primary lecture capture and video streaming library service. We have created help articles for the most common Panopto tasks, but Panopto also provides several training options as part of our subscription:  Live tr...