

Panopto: Get and log into your account
Panopto is  an  online, lecture- capture and video-streaming platform  that   Bryn Mawr students,  faculty, and  staff can use to crea te, host, and share streaming video and audio files . It ...
Panopto: Training and learning resources
Panopto is the College's primary lecture capture and video streaming library service. We have created help articles for the most common Panopto tasks, but Panopto also provides several training options as part of our subscription:  ...
Panopto: Record lecture using desktop app
Panopto combines lecture-capture software and a video-streaming platform to facilitate recording in-person classes or talks and sharing those recordings with others. Panopto can capture audio and video of the person lecturing, plus a screencast ...
Panopto: Record in your browser (Panopto Capture)
Panopto Capture is a completely browser-based screen capture system that allows users to capture audio, video, and your device's screen or application windows. Panopto Capture works on mobile devices and is a good alternative to the Panopto...
 Panopto: Upload audio or video files
Panopto is the College's lecture-capture and video-streaming platform. You can use it to record lectures ; this article explains how to upload audio and video files created or recorded elsewhere to Panopto to share them with others. P...
Panopto: Share recordings
By default, Panopto recordings “inherit” — or have the same Share settings as — the folder in which they are stored. You can edit Share settings at the folder or individual recording level. Viewer permission levels ...
Panopto: Where are my recordings?
Where your Panopto files are stored and how to find them.
Panopto: Edit videos
Once you’ve recorded and uploaded a video on Panopto, you have the ability to edit your video track and apply the changes to the video.This document offers a basic introduction to editing.  Learn more: For more extensive vide...
Panopto: Captions
Panopto offer several different ways to add captions to recordings, including translated captions. Once captions are added, viewers will be able to turn them on during playback in Panopto’s viewer window or, if they download a record...
Panopto: Add the Panopto block to a Moodle course
The Panopto block  creates a link between your Moodle course and Bryn Mawr's Panopto instance. When you add a Panopto lock to your course and "provision" it, Panopto creates a course folder that mirrors the set up of your Moodl...
Panopto: Copy recordings to a new course
Panopto has a new feature that enables instructors to quickly copy all of the videos from a Panopto folder into a new Moodle course's Panopto folder . It was designed to make it easier for instructors to reuse materials from term to term:...
Panopto: Collect audiovisual assignments
There are a few different methods for students to upload audio/video files to Panopto to submit a class assignment or project: Using Panopto’s Assignment Folder Giving Students Creator Access to a Panopto Course Folder Using a Moodle Ass...
Panopto: Student guide to uploading and recording videos
Panopto , Bryn Mawr’s lecture capture system, is available to all Bryn Mawr College community members. as well as any non-Bryn Mawr students enrolled in Bryn Mawr courses. Please read  Panopto: Get and log into your account if y...
Panopto: Enable video downloads
By default, Panopto is set up to work like YouTube: when you give people Viewer access to videos or share viewing links with them, they will be able to stream the videos (that is, watch in a web browser while connected to the Internet), bu...
Panopto: Get emailed when videos are posted
Panopto can notify viewers when new videos are posted to a particular course or shared folder, but it is a two-part opt-in process .  If either of these is disabled, an individual won’t get a notification email. Turn on notifications ...
Panopto: Record with multiple video sources
Panopto allows and supplement or replace the video from a computer’s built-in webcam or room camera with video from an external camera attached to your computer. For example, instructors might add a video from a document camera, or a DIY e...
Panopto: Department folders
Do you have a library of recordings you would like to jointly manage with others or display on a public, curated landing page   with  featured recordings and playlists ? Panopto offers department folders for just this kind of s...