Moodle: Keep organized with Timeline and Calendar


Use the Timeline and Calendar on your Moodle Dashboard to keep track of upcoming due dates and course events. Moodle activities with due dates show up here automatically; instructors and students can create calendar events for class meetings and other non-Moodle activities. You can push Moodle calendar events to another calendar program, such as Outlook, if you prefer to track them there. 

Before you start, you may need:

  • To be enrolled as a participant in a Bryn Mawr Moodle course to view its due dates/events.
  • An Instructor of record or Other editing teacher role to create course or group events that other course participants see (Auditors and Registered students can create events on their own Moodle Calendars)
  • An account in a calendar program, such as Outlook, if you want to view Moodle events and due dates there 

View due dates and events

  1. Log into Moodle.
  2. Click Dashboard.
  3. Use Timeline to view upcoming due dates:
    • Click the drop-down menu to filter what is showing: All, Overdue, or due in the Next 7 days, Next 30 days, etc.
    • In Search by activity type or name, type the name of an activity type (ex. Quiz to see only quizzes) or keywords in an activity names to search for them. 
  4.  Use Calendar for a longer timeline and events:
    • To filter by a specific course, click All courses, and select that course.  
    • Click the arrows to view the previous or next month
  5. In either place:
    • Click on an event or activity name for more information.
    • Events and activities that can be completed now will have action buttons (such as Add submission) that you can click to complete them.

Create a Calendar event

Anyone can create a user event that appears on their own Moodle calendar. Instructors of record and Other editing teachers can create course events and group events that appear on the Moodle Calendars of all course participants or members of a course Group, respectively. 

Note: Zoom meetings scheduled through the Zoom activity in Moodle will appear on the Calendar automatically and include join links; see Moodle: Schedule class Zoom meetings.

  1. Log into Moodle.
  2. Click Dashboard.
  3. Scroll down to the Calendar, and click on the New event.
  4. In the New Event pop-up window:
    • Type in an Event title
    • Select a Date and Time.
    • Under Type of event select who it will be visible to: User (only you), Group (members of a specified course Group), or Course (participants in specified course).
  5. Click Show more to add a Description, Location, a Duration or have the event Repeat weekly for a specified number of times. (For example, to add class meetings for a MW course to the Calendar, create two events, one that repeats weekly on Mondays and one on Wednesdays.) 
  6. Click Save.

View Moodle events in your calendar program

If you use a calendar program such as Outlook for scheduling, you can feed your Moodle calendar events and due dates to it so you can see everything in one place. These instructions explain how to create a Moodle calendar URL and subscribe to with Outlook; for other options, see Moodle's documentation.

Get a Moodle calendar URL

  1. Log into Moodle
  2. Click Dashboard.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the Calendar, and click Import or export calendars.
  4. Click Export calendar
  5. Select the type of Events to export:
    • All events -- everything on your Moodle calendar (recommended)
    • Events related to categories (not used in BMC Moodle) 
    • Events related to courses -- only course events and due dates (you cannot filter further, to specific courses)
    • Events related to groups -- only group events and due dates
    • My personal events -- user events that you have created
  6. Select the Time period to send; we recommend Custom range, or one year from the current day. 
  7. Click Get calendar URL
  8. Click Copy URL.

Subscribe to that URL in Outlook

  1. Open Outlook web.
  2. Click  (Calendar).
  3. Click  Add calendar.
  4. Click  Subscribe from web.
  5. Paste the URL you copied from Moodle into the space provided.
  6. Type in a Calendar name (such as Moodle) and optionally choose a Color and Charm.
  7. Leave Add to set to the default.
  8. Click Import.

Once the import is complete, the new calendar will be listed under Other Calendars in the sidebar and visible when checked. See Microsoft's article: View multiple calendars at the same time for more information. 


If you have any additional questions or problems, don't hesitate to reach out to the Help Desk!

Phone: 610-526-7440 | Library and Help Desk hours
Email: help@brynmawr.eduService catalog
Location: Canaday Library 1st floor