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Ask Athena
Accounts and Security
Account creation and closure
Account management
Two-factor authentication
Computers and Phones
College computers
College phones
Using your devices
Email and Calendar
File Storage
Internet Connections
Moodle and Educational Technology
Other Tools
Printing, Copying, & Scanning
Devices: College-provided
Devices: Personal
Microsoft 365
Off-Campus Access
Video Conferencing
Web Editing
Domain of One's Own
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Toggle navigation
Accounts and Security
Account creation and closure
Account management
Two-factor authentication
Computers and Phones
College computers
College phones
Using your devices
Email and Calendar
File Storage
Internet Connections
Moodle and Educational Technology
Other Tools
Printing, Copying, & Scanning
Devices: College-provided
Devices: Personal
Microsoft 365
Off-Campus Access
Video Conferencing
Web Editing
Domain of One's Own
Employee login
Service Status
Submit a help request
Accounts and Security
Account creation and closure
Account management
Two-factor authentication
Computers and Phones
College computers
College phones
Using your devices
Email and Calendar
File Storage
Internet Connections
Moodle and Educational Technology
Other Tools
Printing, Copying, & Scanning
Devices: College-provided
Devices: Personal
Microsoft 365
Off-Campus Access
Video Conferencing
Web Editing
Domain of One's Own
Accounts and Security
Account creation and closure
College password: Set up and update
Getting started at Bryn Mawr
Leaving Bryn Mawr
Visitor accounts and access
Account management
Group Manager: Grant and revoke access
LITS Service Catalog: View project requests
BIONIC: Data standards for names and more
BIONIC: User interface guide
BIONIC: Using the Advisor Center
BIONIC: View budget reports
Encryption: College-Owned Computer (macOS)
Encryption: Emails in Microsoft 365
Encryption: External Storage Drives
CrowdStrike Falcon Antivirus: Overview
Information Security Education Program
International travel: technology and security
Malware and spam: Phishing emails
Malware and spam: Ransomware
Password managers
Password safety: Best practices
Two-factor authentication
Two-Factor: Get started with Duo
Two-Factor: Methods of Authentication
Computers and Phones
College computers
College computers: Accessibility Settings
New College computer? Start here!
Standard computers and accessories
College phones
College Deskphone: Setup & Use
College Softphone: Setup & Use
Help Desk tickets
LITS's Device Replacement Cycle
LITS's Device Support Cycle
Office move requests
Shipping devices to LITS
Using your devices
Common hardware issues
Device updates: Why, when, and how
Remote Learning, Teaching, and Work: Suggested Computer Accessories
Students: Laptop Purchasing Guide
Students: What tech to bring to College
Email and Calendar
Alumnae/i: Email Forwarding
Mailing Lists: Management
Mailing Lists: Overview
Microsoft 365: Overview
Microsoft 365: Shared Email, Calendars, and Folders
Microsoft 365: Export email archive
Outlook: Schedule Zoom meetings through Outlook
File Storage
CrashPlan: disaster recovery
Data backup: Why, where, and how
Data Clean-Up: Email Inbox
Data Clean-Up: Storage Drives (C:, H:, S:, Q:, and more!)
File Storage: What's the right choice for me?
Network Drives: Connect from Windows or macOS
OneDrive: Share files and folders
Save a file as a pdf
Internet Connections
Eduroam: Connect to College Wifi
Gaming Wi-Fi: Connect your devices
Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN
Network Registration
Moodle and Educational Technology
Access Courses
Moodle: Log in
Moodle: Courses Not Showing Up
Moodle: Browse courses during registration
Add Course Content
Moodle: Use the text editor
Moodle: Add files and folders to a course
Moodle: Add course blocks
Moodle: Manage Class Recordings with the Panopto Block
Moodle: External tool connections
Moodle: Add JoVE content to a course
Moodle: Link to McGraw Hill Connect
Moodle: Link to a Cengage Platform
Moodle: Restore recently deleted items from the recycle bin
Build and Manage Courses
Moodle: Customize and organize your course
Zoom: Schedule course meetings with the Moodle Zoom activity
Moodle: Hide and unhide courses and course sections
Moodle: Copy content from another course
Moodle: Get a merged Moodle site for a multi-section course
Moodle: Course management with Choice and Scheduler
Moodle: Save or export course data and content
Moodle: Check course document accessiblity (for instructors)
Grades, Feedback, and Completion
Moodle: Set up a course gradebook
Moodle: Hide grades from students
Moodle: Extensions, overrides, and accommodations
Moodle: Download assignment to grade offline
Moodle: Grade assignments with Annotate PDF
Moodle: Use grading workflow to manage assignment feedback
Moodle: Extra credit
Manage Activities
Moodle: Create and manage assignments
Moodle: Create and grade Quizzes
Moodle: Use Question Bank
Moodle: Forums
Moodle: Create a questionnaire
Moodle: Student Journals
Moodle: Workshop
Moodle: View Course Evaluation Results
Moodle: View and create course Calendar events
Moodle for Students
Moodle: Add or change your photo
Moodle: View and submit assignments
Moodle: Keep organized with Timeline and Calendar
Moodle: Take online quizzes and exams
Moodle: Participate in a workshop activity
Moodle: Export coursework and materials
Moodle: Complete course evaluations
Moodle: Instant Messaging
Manage Participants
Moodle: Enroll or unenroll participants
Moodle: Using Groups
Moodle: Message course participants
Moodle: Take attendance
Moodle: Guest access to courses
Moodle: View course as a student
Moodle: Create checklists for students
Other Tools
Constellate: Log In and Authenticate
LinkedIn Learning: Overview
LinkedIn Learning: Add content to a Moodle course
LinkedIn Learning: Create and share playlists
NameCoach: Overview
NameCoach: Add name recording to email and social media
NameCoach: Add to a Moodle course
NameCoach: Record and listen to names in Moodle
NameCoach: Name Pages for events
Perusall: Add social annotation assignments to Moodle
Piazza: Alternative Discussion Tool for Moodle
Posit Cloud: Teaching with Posit Cloud
Overleaf: Create LaTeX documents
Overleaf: Get a premium account
Oxford Learning Link: Add to Moodle
Panopto: Get and log into your account
Panopto: Record in your browser (Panopto Capture)
Panopto: Record lecture using desktop app
Panopto: Add a presentation or web content to a recording
Panopto: Upload audio or video files
Panopto: Change sharing permissions
Panopto: Where are my recordings?
Panopto: Edit videos
Panopto: Captions
Panopto: Create Accessible Captions
Panopto: Add the Panopto block to a Moodle course
Panopto: Manage Class Recordings in Moodle
Panopto: Copy recordings to a new course
Panopto: Collect audiovisual assignments
Panopto: Student guide to uploading and recording videos
Panopto: Quizzes
Panopto: Enable video downloads
Panopto: Get emailed when videos are posted
Panopto: Record with multiple video sources
Panopto: Department folders
Panopto: Training and learning resources
WeVideo: Create an account on Bryn Mawr's license
WeVideo: Create and add people to projects
WeVideo: Video and podcast editing basics
WeVideo: Finish and share videos
WeVideo: Add subtitles to a video
WeVideo: Access after you leave BMC
Remote learning, teaching, and work: Suggested computer accessories
Remote teaching: Create digitally friendly documents
Students: Remote learning tools
Printing, Copying, & Scanning
Canon supplies: Order, install, and recycle
HP supplies: Order, install, and disposal
Making accessible scans
Office Lens: Scan papers or documents with your smartphone
Print from a public printer
Print with a departmental printer
Scan and copy with printers
ABBYY Fine Reader: complex OCR
Adobe Acrobat Pro: Make PDFs accessible
Sensus Access: Convert documents to accessible formats
Moodle: Convert documents using Sensus Access
Ally: Check course document accessibility (for instructors)
Ally: Convert documents to accessible formats (for students)
Devices: College-provided
Adobe Creative Cloud: College Computers
College Computers: Request software changes
College-provided software
Devices: Personal
Adobe Creative Cloud: Personal Devices
Antivirus: Personal devices
Microsoft Edge: Automatic Sign-in
Software for Personal Devices
ArcGIS: Access and installation
ChemDraw: Access and installation
Hyland OnBase
KaleidaGraph: Installation
Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha Pro
MATLAB: Access and installation
Software Center: Install Programs
Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365: Overview
Office365: Immersive reader accessibility features
Microsoft Office: Personal Devices
Microsoft Office: Public lab computers
Microsoft Platforms: Accessibility Features
Microsoft Teams: Overview
Microsoft Teams: File storage and sharing
Microsoft Teams: Instant messaging
Microsoft Teams: Shared calendar and email
Microsoft Teams: Video conferencing
PowerPoint: Turning on subtitles
Off-Campus Access
Apporto: Remotely Connect to a Virtual Lab Computer
Financial Edge: Off-Campus Access
LabStats: Remotely Connect to a Lab Computer
Video Conferencing
Microphone not working
Microsoft Teams: Overview
Microsoft Teams: Accessibility Features
Zoom: Activate and log into a BMC account
Zoom: Am I using A Bryn Mawr Zoom account?
Zoom: Create meetings
Zoom: Create meetings through Outlook
Zoom: Create meetings for courses through Moodle
Zoom: Host a meeting
Zoom: Participate in a meeting
Zooming in less-than-ideal circumstances
Zoom: Security
Zoom: Use registration to secure meetings
Zoom: Where are my recordings?
Zoom: Breakout rooms
Zoom: Captions
Zoom: Chat, reactions, and polls
Zoom: Increase caption and chat font size
Zoom: Mirror an ipad in a classroom
Zoom: Multiple cameras
Zoom: Use Scheduler for appointment booking
Hosting Large Online or Hybrid Events
Web Editing
Domain of One's Own
Domain of One's Own: Get started
Domain of One's Own: Install applications
Domain of One's Own: WordPress
Domain of One's Own: Grav
Domain of One's Own: Omeka
Domain of One's Own: Scalar
Domain of One's Own: Log into and manage applications
Domain of One's Own: Upload and manage files
Domain of One's Own: Migrate content when you leave Bryn Mawr
Domain of One's Own: TRU Collector/Writer Sites
Drupal - Basic: Drupal Training Videos
Drupal - Basic: Log in and find content in Drupal
Drupal - Basic: Announcements in Drupal
Drupal - Basic: Events in Drupal
Drupal - Basic: Biography Listings in Drupal
Drupal - Basic: Edit Biographies in Drupal
Drupal - Basic: Embed forms and other content in Drupal
Drupal - Basic: Flexible Content in Drupal
Drupal - Basic: Flex Basic WYSIWYG
Drupal - Basic: Flex Basic 2 - Accordion, Carousel and more
Drupal - Basic: Images in Drupal
Drupal - Basic: News Articles in Drupal
Drupal - Basic: Pages in Drupal
Drupal - Basic: Preparing Images for the Web in Adobe Photoshop
Drupal - Basic: Preparing Images for the Web in MS Word
Drupal - Basic: Tables in Drupal
Drupal - Basic: Upload and Link to Documents in Drupal
Drupal - Basic: Website Image Size and Format Guide
Drupal - Basic: What is a Web Steward? Roles and Permissions Explained
Drupal Basic - Introduction to Drupal Drafts
Drupal - Intermediate: Flex Intermediate A - Columns, Gallery and more
Drupal - Intermediate: Flex Intermediate B - People List, Features and more
Drupal - Intermediate: Videos in Drupal
Drupal - Advanced: Bulletin in Drupal
Drupal - Advanced: Flex Advanced - Syndication and Flex Items
Drupal - Advanced: Flex content for special roles
Drupal - Advanced: Themes and Theme Switcher
Drupal Short Sessions - Syndication
Drupal Short Sessions - Event 3up
Drupal Short Sessions - Announcement 4up
Drupal Short Sessions - News 3up and News+Contact
Drupal Short Sessions - Story 1-up and Story 3-up
Drupal Short Session: Image-based Features in Flex Content
Drupal Short Session: Image List
Special Role
Drupal - Special Role: Admissions Officers in Drupal
Drupal - Special Role: Course listings in Drupal
Drupal - Special Role: CV Upload via Provost in Drupal
Drupal - Special Role: Homepage content in Drupal
Drupal - Special Role: Navigation Menus in Drupal
Drupal - Special Role: Program Descriptions in Drupal
Drupal - Special Role: EMS
Drupal - Special Role - Story Editor (Group)
File Names for Web Pages and Blogs: Best Practices
Make sure your documents show up correctly in search results
Web Forms (Wufoo)
WordPress: Adding Users to Your Blog
WordPress: Basics
WordPress: Changing the author name displayed on your WordPress posts
WordPress: Close Comments on Old Posts to Reduce Comment Spam
WordPress: Embedding videos and other media content in blogs
WordPress: FontAwesome for WordPress
WordPress: Logging in & Creating a New Blog
WordPress: Moderating Comments (and spam) in WordPress
WordPress: Privacy settings for your blog
WordPress: Updating Your Alumnae Club Blog
WordPress: User Roles for Blogs
WordPress: Working with WordPress themes
Web Editing
Domain of One's Own
Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Drupal topics