Updated Articles

  1. WeVideo: Video and podcast editing basics

    Use WeVideo's editor to add video clips, images, audio clips, title screens and more from WeVideo's royalty free media library, upload your own media files , layer images and sound, adjust when different elements are visible or heard, a...
  2. WeVideo: Create and add people to projects

    How to set up a WeVideo project and add members to give other people permission to edit it. Before you start , you will need access to the following: a Bryn Mawr WeVideo Account Create a project   Watch WeVideo's Crea...
  3. WeVideo: Create an account on Bryn Mawr's license

    WeVideo is a cloud-based video- and audio-editing platform that is our recommended tool collaborative video and podcast projects. Getting an account through Bryn Mawr's site license removes limitations on free accounts (for example, the WeVi...
  4. Outlook: Schedule Zoom meetings through Outlook

    Instead of scheduling meetings twice — once in Zoom and once in Outlook — use the Zoom add-in in Outlook/Microsoft365 to add Zoom links to your Outlook meetings. See also Zoom's articles on Scheduling meetings with the Outlook...
  5. Microsoft Teams: Overview

    Microsoft Teams is a College-supported communications  and collaboration  tool that can be used for messaging, video conferencing, file sharing, and more! See also:  Supplemental information Microsoft's step-by-step vi...
  6. Drupal Short Session: Image List

    WATCH THE VIDEO!  If you are a visual learner, or simply prefer learning from a video,  please watch the video on our Drupal Training Videos page What is an Image List and why do I care? This Flexible Content Item has the ability t...
  7. Drupal Short Session: Image-based Features in Flex Content

    WATCH THE VIDEO! If you are a visual learner, or simply prefer learning from a video, please watch the video on our Drupal Training Videos page What are these Image-based Features and why do I care? Image-based Features refer to Four d...
  8. Moodle: Guest access to courses

    Enabling Guest access for a course gives view-only access to people who are not enrolled. This can include people who do not have Bryn Mawr or Haverford credentials , who can log into our Moodle site as guests to access guest-accessible cou...
  9. Moodle: View course as a student

    Instructors can switch roles in Moodle to view a course as registered students and auditors see it.  Before you start , you may need: an Instructor of Record or Other Editing Teacher  role in a Bryn Mawr Moodle course. Ente...
  10. Constellate: Log In and Authenticate

    Constellate is a platform for learning and performing text analysis, building datasets, and sharing analytics course materials. This article covers logging into Constellate and pairing your account with the college to gain full access to the pla...