

ABBYY Fine Reader: complex OCR
Librarians, archivists, and academic researchers use ABBYY Fine Reader to digitize and analyze archival collections. It is installed on the computers in the Digital Media and Collaboration Lab in Carpenter Library and available when this lab ...
Adobe Acrobat: Make PDFs accessible
Adobe Acrobat has simplified the process of making PDFs accessible, with a “Make Accessible” action wizard that walks you through the steps needed to make a PDF accessible, and an Accessibility Checker that scans for accessibility...
The Helperbird web browser extension adds customizable tools that make it easier to read and write online, such as  enhanced contrast,  text-to-speech, or word prediction. For more information, s ee Helperbird's website...
Sensus Access: Convert documents using Sensus in a Moodle course
The Sensus Access activity enables Moodle course participants to upload documents directly from the course into Sensus Access for conversion to file formats that meet their accessibility needs. (If you have a email address, you can...