New Articles

  1. Microsoft 365: Shared Email, Calendars, and Folders

    This article reviews how to share inboxes, calendars, and folders within Microsoft 365. See also: Microsoft 365: Overview Encryption: Emails in Microsoft 365 Email sharing and access Microsoft 365 allows many email sharing and d...
  2. NameCoach: Add name recording to email and social media

    Anyone can use NameCoach's free personal Name Badge service to  add name recording links to their email signature and social media  profiles . (These recordings won't be added to Moodle courses or Bryn Mawr College events th...
  3. NameCoach: Record and listen to names in Moodle

    NameCoach is an online platform for recording and sharing name pronunciations . This article explains how to use the NameCoach activity in a Moodle course to record yourself pronouncing your name and  hear  others say their nam...
  4. Calendly: Schedule appointments

    Calendly is an online calendar system that integrates with your personal calendar and other web conferencing tools to allow people to schedule appointment times with you on days/times that you set as available. Although LITS does not have ...
  5. Panopto: Record lecture using desktop app

    Panopto combines lecture-capture software and a video-streaming platform to facilitate recording in-person classes or talks and sharing those recordings with others. Panopto can capture audio and video of the person lecturing, plus a screencast ...
  6. Moodle: Hide grades from students

      Hiding a grade item or category prevents students from seeing the grade and any feedback an instructor has provided.  Before you start , you may need access to the following: an Instructor of record or Other ...
  7. Zoom: Breakout rooms

    Zoom allows you to split a meeting into smaller groups. These “breakout rooms” can be used to conduct smaller side sessions as part of a larger meeting. Before you start , you will need: a BMC Zoom accou...
  8. Moodle: Add or change your photo

    By default, Moodle places an icon next to a user's name. Depending on the context, that icon can contain the first letter of a user's first name, the first letter of their first and last name, or the silhouette of a person. However, Moodle...
  9. Moodle: Add files and folders to a course

    Instructors can upload many files directly to Moodle courses to share them with students.   Files that exceed Moodle's file size limit , will need to be uploaded to OneDrive or similar cloud file storage system and th...
  10. Panopto: Student guide to uploading and recording videos

    Panopto , Bryn Mawr’s lecture capture system, is available to all Bryn Mawr College community members. as well as any non-Bryn Mawr students enrolled in Bryn Mawr courses. Please read  Panopto: Get and log into your account if y...