Updated Articles

  1. Students: What tech to bring to College

    The intended audience for this article is new and returning students . Faculty and staff should consult the LITS Help Desk for advice. See also: Remote Learning, Teaching, and Work: Suggested Computer Accessories Personal laptops ...
  2. Visitor accounts and access

    Campus visitors can use a variety of Bryn Mawr College services by obtaining a visitor account or visiting internet kiosks available throughout campus. Visitor accounts A visitor account provides one week  of   access to the follo...
  3. Panopto: Training and learning resources

    Panopto is the College's primary lecture capture and video streaming library service. We have created help articles for the most common Panopto tasks, but Panopto also provides several training options as part of our subscription:  ...
  4. Domain of One's Own: Scalar

    Scalar is one of several open-source web-publishing apps that you can install on your digital.brynmawr.edu domain in order to create a web site. When to use Scalar Scalar was developed as a tool for publishing non-linear, media-rich books, an...
  5. Mailing Lists: Overview

    This article reviews College mailing lists (listservs) and how they can be utilized.   See also: Mailing Lists: Management Microsoft 365: Shared Email, Calendars, and Folders What is a mailing list? A mailing list is a list...
  6. Microsoft Word: Create accessible documents

    This article describes the best practices you can adopt to ensure Word documents  you create and share can be read by everyone, including individuals who use assistive technologies, such as screen readers, text-to-speech, or Braille devices....
  7. Sensus Access: Convert documents using Sensus in a Moodle course

    The Sensus Access activity enables Moodle course participants to upload documents directly from the course into Sensus Access for conversion to file formats that meet their accessibility needs. (If you have a brynmawr.edu email address, you can...
  8. Office Lens: Scan papers or documents with your smartphone

    Particularly during remote teaching and learning, it is common for faculty and students to share a scanned version of a document or assignment for which they have a hard copy (e.g. notes, equations, handwritten work, etc.). Office Lens offers a ...
  9. Save a file as a pdf

    Many platforms and people will prefer or even require you to submit files as PDFs. This is because the PDF, or Portable Document Format, file format was designed to ensure that fonts and formatting look the same even when viewed on different ty...
  10. Microsoft 365: Shared Email, Calendars, and Folders

    This article reviews how to share inboxes, calendars, and folders within Microsoft 365. See also: Microsoft 365: Overview Encryption: Emails in Microsoft 365 Email sharing and access Microsoft 365 allows many email sharing and d...