Special Role


Drupal - Special Role: Admissions Officers in Drupal
Used to add admissions officers to the list of officers on  https://www.brynmawr.edu/admissions-aid/meet-team Since this requires Site Editor or higher permissions, this doc is only available in the   Internal Web Services Documentation .  ...
Drupal - Special Role: Course listings in Drupal
Course Listings Page Bryn Mawr course listings are automated from Bionic. This data feeds the Bryn Mawr website, Undergraduate Course Catalog , and the Tri-Co Course Guide . Please send corrections or updates to Bryn Mawr course listings ...
Drupal - Special Role: CV Upload via Provost in Drupal
Uploading your CV In order to include your CV in your Biography in Drupal, you will need the assistance of the Provost. Note : Faculty members who wish to post their CV to the website are asked to email Tina Bockius, Faculty Administrative...
Drupal - Special Role: Homepage content in Drupal
Note: The homepage content types are only available to Site Editors and people with the Homepage Editor role . If you have suggestions for homepage content, please contact College Communications. Please visit this link to view the Special Ro...
Drupal - Special Role: Navigation Menus in Drupal
Please visit this link to view the Special Role Session video. Site Navigation The navigation that appears on the left-side of any Inside Bryn Mawr page is one continuous menu hierarchy for all the Inside Bryn Mawr pages. If you need to g...
Drupal - Special Role: Program Descriptions in Drupal
Program Description Page The text on academic department “Program Requirements and Opportunities” pages is automated from Bionic. This data feeds the Bryn Mawr website, Undergraduate Course Catalog, and the Tri-Co Course Guide. Corrections ...
Drupal - Special Role: EMS
Creating/Submitting Event For creating/submitting an Event, please follow the askAthena article on Events at https://askathena.brynmawr.edu/help/drupal-events-in-drupal . Your EMS Role will not change that process at all. EMS Role In ord...
Drupal - Special Role - Story Editor (Group)
Story Content Type How Story displays in the website Stories display on a main List Page hub, featured in pages and news, and as the actual detail page of the story. Lists Main Listing Page The main List Page features a manually curated Fea...