Updated Articles

  1. Calendly: Schedule appointments

    Calendly is an online calendar system that integrates with your personal calendar and other web conferencing tools to allow people to schedule appointment times with you on days/times that you set as available. Although LITS does not have ...
  2. Microsoft Office: Personal Devices

    The following article applies to personal devices . For Public/Lab computers, see Microsoft Office: Public/Lab Computers . Before You Start , you may need access to the following: a Bryn Mawr College account a personal laptop or des...
  3. Panopto: Share recordings

    By default, Panopto recordings “inherit” — or have the same Share settings as — the folder in which they are stored. You can edit Share settings at the folder or individual recording level. Viewer permission levels ...
  4. Panopto: Enable video downloads

    By default, Panopto is set up to work like YouTube: when you give people Viewer access to videos or share viewing links with them, they will be able to stream the videos (that is, watch in a web browser while connected to the Internet), bu...
  5. Panopto: Edit videos

    Once you’ve recorded and uploaded a video on Panopto, you have the ability to edit your video track and apply the changes to the video.This document offers a basic introduction to editing.  Learn more: For more extensive vide...
  6. Microphone not working

    Trying to Zoom or record a message, but not hearing any sound when you speak into the microphone? This article shows you up to four places where the microphone and input volumes might be set on your computer. Physical volume controls on your micr...
  7. Microsoft Teams: Accessibility Features

    Microsoft Teams is a messaging and collaboration app used at Bryn Mawr College along with other Office365 tools apps. This article contains an overview of the accessibility features on Microsoft Teams. Visit the Microsoft website for a comprehens...
  8. Domain of One's Own: Omeka

    Omeka is one of several open-source, content management system (CMS) apps you can install on your Domain of One's Own domain in order to create a website. When to use Omeka  Omeka was developed for archives, museums, and other cultur...
  9. Domain of One's Own: Grav

    Grav is one of several open-source, content management system (CMS) apps you can install on your digital.brynmawr.edu domain in order to create a web site.  When to use Grav Grav is the most widely used open-source "flat-file" CM...
  10. PowerPoint: Turning on subtitles

    PowerPoint can create automatic speech recognition (ASR) subtitles during a presentation in a variety of languages. This feature is available on the web, Windows, and Mac versions of PowerPoint. Web Click Slide Show . Click Always Use Subtit...