Popular Articles

  1. Zoom: Create meetings for courses through Moodle

    Instructors can create and manage Zoom Meetings associated with a Moodle course using   the Zoom activity in Moodle . The advantages to using the Moodle Zoom activity instead of the Zoom web portal or desktop/mobile app are: Course...
  2. WeVideo: Create and add people to projects

    How to set up a WeVideo project and add members to give other people permission to edit it. Before you start , you will need access to the following: a Bryn Mawr WeVideo Account Create a project   Watch WeVideo's Crea...
  3. WordPress: Close Comments on Old Posts to Reduce Comment Spam

    Are your old blog posts getting nonsensical or oddly generic comments? Do these comments link to websites that have nothing to do with your post, and everything to do with selling random and perhaps questionable products? Our WordPress antispam p...
  4. WordPress: User Roles for Blogs

    Users can be added by blog administrators- the creator of a blog is the administrator, and they can designate other users they ads to be administrators as well. Add Users Users are added by going to the "Users" link in the dashboard ...
  5. OnBase: Installation

    This article reviews how to access and install  OnBase .   OnBase Unity Client Warning: This version is only available for Windows ( ) computers. This version is installed as a  dedicated application and is...
  6. Panopto: Get and log into your account

    Panopto is  an  online, lecture- capture and video-streaming platform  that   Bryn Mawr students,  faculty, and  staff can use to crea te, host, and share streaming video and audio files . It ...
  7. Moodle: Create and manage assignments

    Use the Assignment activity to enable students to electronically submit work individually or as a group and/or  grade student work "blindly." Electronic file submission is optional -- some instructors also create Assignme...
  8. Drupal - Special Role: Navigation Menus in Drupal

    Please visit this link to view the Special Role Session video. Site Navigation The navigation that appears on the left-side of any Inside Bryn Mawr page is one continuous menu hierarchy for all the Inside Bryn Mawr pages. If you need to g...
  9. NameCoach: Add name recording to email and social media

    Anyone can use NameCoach's free personal Name Badge service to  add name recording links to their email signature and social media  profiles . (These recordings won't be added to Moodle courses or Bryn Mawr College events th...
  10. Moodle: Using Groups

    Moodle's Groups feature allows instructors to  divide a class into sections or  create collaborative working groups  for particular course Activities. For example, if you teach a course that enrolls both graduate and undergra...