Popular Articles

  1. Microsoft 365: Export email archive

    This article reviews how to  export and import emails from your College account to retain access after leaving the College. Before you start , you may need access to the following: a computer with internet acce...
  2. Drupal - Basic: Tables in Drupal

    Tables in the WYSIWYG You can also create a table in the WYSIWYG by putting your cursor where you want the table to be inserted and pressing the table icon in the WYSIWYG dashboard: Once clicked, you will get a Table Properties popup win...
  3. Zoom: Create meetings for courses through Moodle

    Instructors can create and manage Zoom Meetings associated with a Moodle course using   the Zoom activity in Moodle . The advantages to using the Moodle Zoom activity instead of the Zoom web portal or desktop/mobile app are: Course part...
  4. Calendly

    Calendly is an online calendar system that integrates with your personal calendar and other web conferencing tools to allow people to schedule appointment times with you on days/times that you set as available. LITS no longer supports Ca...
  5. Moodle: View and submit assignments

    Instructors create Moodle A ssignments to place due dates on students' Moodle calendars and timelines, create graded items in the course Gradebook, and sometimes to receive digital submissions. This article explains how to view details abou...
  6. NameCoach: Add name recording to email and social media

    Anyone can use NameCoach's free personal Name Badge service to  add name recording links to their email signature and social media  profiles . (These recordings won't be added to Moodle courses or Bryn Mawr College events that use NameCoach, ...
  7. Moodle: Using Groups

    Moodle's Groups feature allows instructors to  divide a class into sections or  create collaborative working groups  for particular course Activities. For example, if you teach a course that enrolls both graduate and undergraduate students, you...
  8. WordPress: Changing the author name displayed on your WordPress posts

    Your WordPress username cannot be changed, but the name displayed publicly on posts can be change.  You can change your profile so that it uses only part of your name, or you can choose a different nickname (your personal nickname, or a pseudonym...
  9. LinkedIn Learning: Create and share playlists

    LinkedIn Learning enables you to create video playlists -- called "Collections" -- and share them with others. You can use Collections to recommend a set of videos or courses that are relevant to on a particular topic to your students or colle...
  10. Moodle: Use the text editor

    The TinyMCE text editor allows teachers and students to write and edit text in Moodle, including on pages, Assignments, questions, forum posts, etc. In addition to editing text, you can use the editor to insert mathematical equations or ...