Story Content Type How Story displays in the website Stories display on a main List Page hub, featured in pages and news, and as the actual detail page of the story. Lists Main Listing Page The main List Page features a manually curated Fea...
Created On: 12/12/2023
in Web Editing Drupal Advanced
In our Flexible Content Items, we have two different ways to display Syndicated Story Teasers to enhance your page. These Flex Items are: Story 1-up - A single syndicated Story displayed as a feature, including the Story's title and sub...
Created On: 12/12/2023
in Web Editing Drupal Advanced
In our Flexible Content Items, we have two different ways to display Syndicated News Teasers to enhance your page. These Flex Items are: News 3-up - A list of 3 News Teasers with a heading, optional introduction and a More News button to g...
Created On: 12/12/2023
in Web Editing Drupal Advanced
How you can share Announcements across the site Syndication - What is it and Why do I care? BEFORE WE BEGIN, Let’s define Syndication Syndication is pretty complex, but here is an easy way to think about it: there is something that is al...
Created On: 12/12/2023
in Web Editing Drupal Advanced
Remember: Submitting your Event to the website is for advertising purposes only. How you can share Events across the site Syndication - What is it and Why do I care? BEFORE WE BEGIN, Let’s define Syndication Syndication is pretty co...
Created On: 12/12/2023
in Web Editing Drupal Advanced
Syndication See our Syndication video as we use real examples to illustrate this concept. For demonstrating how to syndicate content we will be placing Flexible (or Flex) Content Items on a Basic Page. For more on all things Flex Content,...
Moodle has a built-in instant messaging system that all Moodlers can use to send IMs to their teachers and classmates. It works like Slack, Teams and other IM systems: if you message someone who is currently logged in, they see a pop-up notifica...
TRU Collector and TRU Writer are specially configured WordPress themes that allow you to easily set up a website for crowd-sourced image collection or writing . They differ from ordinary WordPress sites in that v isitors can upload images or po...
Created On: 11/10/2023
in Computers and Phones Support
This article reviews how to submit , and update , a ticket with LITS anytime you need technology help! See also : LITS's Device Support Cycle Get started at Bryn Mawr Ticketing : what and why Note: TeamDynamix ( ...
Creating/Submitting Event For creating/submitting an Event, please follow the askAthena article on Events at https://askathena.brynmawr.edu/help/drupal-events-in-drupal . Your EMS Role will not change that process at all. EMS Role In ord...