New Articles

  1. College password: Set up and update

    This article reviews how to  set up or change  your College password. Before You Start , you will need access to the following: a laptop/desktop computer with internet access an email from with your Col...
  2. College-provided software Updated

    This article lists  all current College-provided software and what is available on various College computers. Last updated: May 16th, 2024 See more: College Computers: Request software changes Software for Pe...
  3. ChemDraw: Installation

    This article reviews how to  install ChemDraw on College and personal devices. Warning:  DO NOT  use this process for   College classrooms or teaching labs . For assistance with those devices, please contact the&nb...
  4. Malware and spam: Phishing emails

    This article reviews what spam and phishing are, as well as how to protect yourself . See also: Malware & Spam: Ransomware Spam What is it? Spam is unsolicited email . Much like physical junk mail, spam can simply be de...
  5. OneDrive: Share files and folders

    This article reviews how to securely share, delete, and update the permissions  for folders and files in OneDrive. Upload and share files Confirm that the files adhere to the College's Data Handling Policy Upload your files S...
  6. Software for Personal Devices

    The following article applies to personal devices . For College devices, see College-provided software . Before you start , you will need access to the following: a Bryn Mawr College account a compute...
  7. Malware and spam: Ransomware

    This article reviews what  ransomware is  and how to protect yourself. See also: Malware & Spam: Email Phishing What is ransomware? Ransomware is a class of malicious software that holds your data hostage by block...
  8. Remote teaching: Create digitally friendly documents

    This article reviews how to create and recreate documents so that they are digitally-friendly and ready to be used for remote instruction. See also: Remote Learning, Teaching, and Work: Suggested Computer Accessories Students: Remote...
  9. Students: Remote learning tools

    The following article reviews miscellaneous remote learning tools that may be helpful. See also: Remote Learning, Teaching, and Work: Suggested Computer Accessories Software for Personal Devices Internet access If you are unable...
  10. Students: What tech to bring to College

    The intended audience for this article is new and returning students . Faculty and staff should consult the LITS Help Desk for advice. See also: Remote Learning, Teaching, and Work: Suggested Computer Accessories Personal laptops ...