Popular Articles

  1. Moodle: Workshop

    The workshop activity enables the collection, review, and peer assessment of students' work. This can be done whether students submit through Moodle's text editor or by attaching files. Before you start , you may need the following: a...
  2. Moodle: Convert documents using Sensus Access

    The Sensus Access Document Converter activity enables Moodle course participants to convert course files to formats that meet their accessibility needs . Once the Sensus activity is added to a course, students can use it for all files post...
  3. Moodle: Browse courses during registration

    Guest access   is   enabled for academic courses during pre-registration and registration  so that students can view syllabi and other posted course information even if they are yet not officially registered. To find and view...
  4. Zoom: Captions

    Zoom supports both CART captioning (in which a professional captioner attends the meeting and types captions in real time) and ASR (computer-generated) captioning. Turn on CART Captioning Before you start,  you will need to: ...
  5. Moodle: Take attendance

    The Attendance  activity enables teachers and students to record attendance (both during and after class) as well as students to view their own attendance.  Before you start , you may need the following: an Instructor of Record o...
  6. Web Forms (Wufoo)

    Which form solution is right for me? Consult the College protocol for online forms and surveys  and talk with LITS to determine the correct choice. Several form services are in use and supported across campus.  LITS can help with: ...
  7. Network Registration

    The following applies to the College’s wired network . For access to Wi-Fi, see Eduroam: Connect to College Wifi . Before you start , you will need the following: a Bryn Mawr College email address a laptop or desktop compute...
  8. Domain of One's Own: Scalar

    Scalar is one of several open-source web-publishing apps that you can install on your digital.brynmawr.edu domain in order to create a web site. When to use Scalar Scalar was developed as a tool for publishing non-linear, media-rich books, an...
  9. College computers: Accessibility settings

    Accessibility settings on a device allow you to modify how you can see, hear, and enter information on the device in order to make it easier to use. Read this guide on how to access the accessibility settings on college Windows computers. ...
  10. Drupal - Special Role: EMS

    Creating/Submitting Event For creating/submitting an Event, please follow the askAthena article on Events at https://askathena.brynmawr.edu/help/drupal-events-in-drupal . Your EMS Role will not change that process at all. EMS Role In ord...