Panopto: Copy recordings to a new course

Panopto has a new feature that enables you to quickly copy all of the videos from the Panopto folder of an old course into the Panopto folder for a new Moodle course. This feature was designed to make it easier for instructors to reuse materials from term to term. The copies made for your new course are reference copies, identical copies that Panopto treats as separate files. This allows you to collect separate viewing data for the original video and the reference copy.

Before You Start, you may need access to the following:

  • a Instructor of record or Other editing teacher role in a Moodle course  
  • Creator role for the Panopto folder you want to copy from 

Copying recordings 

  1. Open the destination course in Moodle (i.e., the one to which you are copying videos). 
  2. Open the course's Panopto Block (read Moodle: Add Course Blocks if you need to add this block to your course).
  3. Click the Course Settings link in the Panopto block.

Picture of the Panopto block with the course settings link highlighted

Attention: if you're not seeing the the Course settings link, consider whether one of the following fixes applies:

  • If you blocks says "this course has not been provisioned," click the link to provision it. 
  • If the Course Settings link is missing, double-check that you have an Instructor of record or Other editing teacher role in the course. If not, ask someone who has one of those roles to enroll you with these same permissions or contact the Help Desk
  1. In the Panopto window that pops up, click Overview. Then scroll down to section Course Video Copy

Panopto course folder's overview page with course video copy section highlighted

  1. In the Previous course folder , choose Choose source folder. 
  2. Search for and select the Panopto folder you want to copy videos from. 
  3. If the folder contains Zoom meeting recordings and you want them copied, check the Include Zoom videos box.
  4. Click Begin folder copy


If you have any additional questions or problems, don't hesitate to reach out to the Help Desk!

Phone: 610-526-7440 | Library and Help Desk hours
Email: help@brynmawr.eduService catalog
Location: Canaday Library 1st floor