Instructors can create and manage Zoom Meetings associated with a Moodle course using the Zoom activity in Moodle . The advantages to using the Moodle Zoom activity instead of the Zoom web portal or desktop/mobile app are:
Course partic...
Our integration with the Cengage allows instructors to access a wide range of educational content and integrate it with their Moodle courses. Instructors can also use Cengage to create assignments. Before you start , you may need access to th...
Instructors can link a Moodle course to McGraw-Hill's online learning platform, Connect to give students access to online textbooks and textbook supplements. Before you start , you may need access to the following: an Instructor of R...
Bryn Mawr instructors can now incorporate natural sciences videos and educational materials from the JoVE Education database into their Moodle courses a connection to our institutional JoVE subscription. Before you start , you may need a...
Blocks on Moodle display resources that are often used by both instructors and students. This article describes how to Add Course Blocks to a Moodle site . Before you start , you will need: An Instructor of Record or Other Editing ...
If taking tests is stressful, taking them online can be even more so! This article explains how the Moodle Quiz activity works and some best practices for ensuring the smoothest experience. Note: we're using the word "Quiz" below since t...
Moodle has several new features that allow you to customize how your course appears to students and guests.
Before you start , you may need the following:
an Instructor of Record or Other Editing Teacher role in a Bryn Mawr Mo...
Moodle lets Instructors of record and Other editing teachers hide an entire course site to prevent students, auditors and guests from seeing it. Similarly, Moodle allows course instructors to hide course sections, assignments, and materials...
If you are using Moodle to calculate grades for a course, you can count Moodle Activities (such as Quizzes, Assignments or Forums) as extra credit and add extra-credit grade items and categories to the Gradebook to factor in no...
Instructors use Moodle Workshop activity for peer review of papers and assignments. This article explains how to find out when you need to submit your draft for review and review drafts, and how to do it.
Before you start , you may need ...