New Articles

  1. Microsoft Office: Public lab computers

    The following article applies to p ublic lab computers . For personal devices, see Microsoft Office: Personal devices . Before you start , you will need access to the following: a Bryn Mawr College account Microsoft Office applicati...
  2. Microsoft Office: Personal Devices

    The following article applies to personal devices . For Public/Lab computers, see Microsoft Office: Public/Lab Computers . Before You Start , you may need access to the following: a Bryn Mawr College account a personal laptop or des...
  3. HP supplies: Order, install, and disposal

    This article reviews how to order, install, and recycle supplies for HP printers. Issues with a HP printer? Contact the Help Desk . Order supplies You may need your printer’s model number or serial number . Who: designate...
  4. Moodle: View course as a student

    Instructors can switch roles in Moodle to view a course as registered students and auditors see it.  Before you start , you may need: an Instructor of Record or Other Editing Teacher  role in a Bryn Mawr Moodle course. Ente...
  5. WeVideo: Access after you leave BMC

    You will lose access to Bryn Mawr's college WeVideo license when you graduate or leave Bryn Mawr College.   All of the projects you own and the media you've uploaded will transfer to a  free, individual WeVideo account. H...
  6. Zooming in less-than-ideal circumstances

    Sometimes, you have to join a Zoom meeting from a place with wifi, noise, or visual issues. Nevertheless, there are steps you can take to minimize these types of problems. Limit wifi or data usage Hosting or participating in Zoom meetings can ...
  7. Zoom: Security

    As one of the most popular web-conferencing tools, Zoom has become a target for online attacks. In addition, Zoom, as an outside vendor, can choose to share user data with other companies. For these reasons, we recommend doing the following in o...
  8. Moodle: Enable students to schedule appointments

    Adding a Scheduler activity to a Moodle course enables student participants to sign up for appointments with anyone who has a teacher role (i.e., Instructor of record, Other editing teacher, or Non-editing teacher) in that course. Before yo...
  9. Moodle: Use the text editor

    Teachers and students use the  TinyMCE text editor whenever they write or edit text in Moodle -- on pages, Assignments, questions, forum posts, etc. In addition to editing and text, you can use the editor to insert mathematical equations ...
  10. Moodle: Extra credit

    If you are using Moodle to calculate grades for a course, you can count   Moodle Activities (such as Quizzes, Assignments or Forums)  as extra credit  and add extra-credit grade items and categories  to the Gradeb...