Updated Articles

  1. Helperbird

    The Helperbird web browser extension adds customizable tools that make it easier to read and write online, such as  enhanced contrast,  text-to-speech, or word prediction. For more information, s ee Helperbird's website...
  2.  Zoom: Use Scheduler for appointment booking New

    Use Zoom's new Scheduler tool to enable other people to schedule online or in-person meetings with you or groups you belong to. You set up and share links to an appointment booking page that shows time slots when you are available fo...
  3. Zoom: Captions

    Zoom supports both CART captioning (in which a professional captioner attends the meeting and types captions in real time) and ASR (computer-generated) captioning. Turn on CART Captioning Before you start,  you will need to: ...
  4. Adobe Acrobat: Make PDFs accessible

    Adobe Acrobat has simplified the process of making PDFs accessible, with a “Make Accessible” action wizard that walks you through the steps needed to make a PDF accessible, and an Accessibility Checker that scans for accessibility...
  5. Captioning

      Captioning adds a text transcription of audio content to a live event or recording, either at the bottom of the screen (closed captions) or in an adjacent window or display. Captioning can assist all viewers with comprehension, and provide...
  6. Panopto: Captions

    Panopto offer several different ways to add captions to recordings, including translated captions. Once captions are added, viewers will be able to turn them on during playback in Panopto’s viewer window or, if they download a record...
  7. Zoom: Increase caption and chat font size

    If you are have difficulty viewing chat messages or captions when using Zoom on a computer, you can increase the font size. Increase Font Sizes in Zoom Open the Zoom desktop app on your computer. Click on your profile picture or ...
  8. Office365: Immersive reader accessibility features

    Immersive Reader is an inbuilt feature now available among a variety of Microsoft platforms. Immersive Reader provides a variety of tools to support reading and comprehension. Without altering the original text, Immersive Reader allows you to ch...
  9. Moodle: Use the text editor

    Teachers and students use the  TinyMCE text editor whenever they write or edit text in Moodle -- on pages, Assignments, questions, forum posts, etc. In addition to editing and text, you can use the editor to insert mathematical equations ...
  10. Moodle: Convert documents using Sensus Access

    The Sensus Access Document Converter activity enables Moodle course participants to convert course files to formats that meet their accessibility needs . Once the Sensus activity is added to a course, students can use it for all files post...