New Articles

  1. Overleaf: Premium Features

    Overleaf is a web-based platform for creating and publishing documents in LaTeX and Rich Text format. This article explains the process of requesting a premium account and the features provided under a standard subscription. Requesting a Pr...
  2. Overleaf: Document Creation Basics

    Overleaf is a web-based platform for creating and publishing documents in LaTeX and Rich Text format. This article explains the basics of creating a new project and the process of adding collaborators. Creating a New Project ...
  3. Panopto: Manage Class Recordings in Moodle

    You can manage class recording from your Moodle course page by using the Panopto block. Please read  Panopto: Add the Panopto block to a Moodle course for helping adding it to your course. Once you've done this, you'll be able to share recording...
  4. Moodle: Convert documents using Sensus Access

    The Sensus Access Document Converter activity enables Moodle course participants to convert course files to formats that meet their accessibility needs. Once the Sensus activity is added to a course, students can use it for all files posted t...
  5. Microsoft Platforms: Accessibility Features

    Microsoft platforms have built-in accessibility features to help you access and create accessible content. Accessibility features for accessing content Microsoft Teams: Accessibility Features Microsoft Outlook: Accessibility Features H...
  6. Office move requests

    This article reviews how to request a move for yourself or your team! See also : College computers: Replacement LITS's Device Support Cycle Move Request Form Requesting a move Please be aware that...
  7. Panopto: Add a presentation or web content to a recording

    When creating a Panopto recording, you may want to add content from a PowerPoint presentation, third-party application, or web browser to your recording. Panopto supports all of these functionalities. In fact, it can save presentations from Po...
  8. LITS's Device Replacement Cycle

    This article reviews the  replacement process  for College-provided computers and  how to prepare your device! See also: LITS Computer Replacements policy LITS's Device Support Cycle New College computer? Start here! ...
  9. Moodle: View and create course Calendar events

      Use the Timeline and Calendar on your Moodle Dashboard to keep track of upcoming due dates and course events . Moodle activities with due dates show up here automatically; instructors and students can create calendar events for  class...
  10. Panopto: Create Accessible Captions

    Create Accessible Captions  College policies require that recordings published on a college website or used in academic courses have captions that are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). While Panopto will automa...