Panopto: Share recordings

By default, Panopto recordings “inherit” — or have the same Share settings as — the folder in which they are stored. You can edit Share settings at the folder or individual recording level.

Viewer permission levels

There are five viewer permission levels. In increasing order of visibility or “publicness,” these permission levels are:

  • Restricted — use this to generate a link that only works for specific individuals you invite to view.
  • Your Organization (unlisted) — choose this for videos you only want to share with current Bryn Mawr college students, faculty and staff: viewers will need to log into using their college credentials to view link.
  • Your Organization — choose this to make videos more visible to current Bryn Mawr faculty, students and staff. Everyone logged into will see these videos in their “Shared with me” and “What’s new” feeds, and the video may show up in site-wide searches.
  • Public (unlisted) — use this for public videos; anyone who clicks on the link or the embedded video can view.
  • Public — this is a publicly available video on Panopto. Image of Panopto sharing options

Check and change who can see videos

Click a video or folder’s Share icon to open its Settings > Share page.

Note: The share icon appears in different places on different screens, but it always shaped like a less than symbol and will be labeled “Share” if you hover over it. 

Permissions are controlled by settings under Who has access:

  • If the permissions were inherited from a folder, that folder will be named. Click on the folder name to view and/or change settings for that folder.
  • You can also change the settings for the currently selected video only.

Get a public link for a recording

For example, the image below is a screen shot of the Settings > Share window for a video (or “session”) titled, “How to Create a Voice-Over PowerPoint (on PC),” which we recorded to the folder for the Moodle course, ” Academic Continuity During COVID-19,” but wanted to also publish on a web page.

  1. Under Who has access is a message stating this video inherits the permissions of the “Academic Continuity during COVID-19” course folder in which it is located.
  2. In this case, the permission for the inherited was “Anyone with the link” can view. If it was not, we could select that here in order to change the setting for just this video.
  3. Because Anyone with the link is visible, when we copy the sharing Link at the top of this page and paste it into an email, an instant message, or a web page, anyone who clicks on that link will be able to view the video, without signing into Panopto.

Panopto Settings Share Window for Video

Share Panopto recordings through Moodle

Panopto folders are automatically created for any Moodle courses that contains the Panopto block. These folders are set up so that only course participants can view the videos they contain and only participants with a Teacher role (i.e., Instructor of record, Other editing teacher, Non-editing teacher) can create them. Who has access will be set to Specific people, and when you click the blue links for the different groups, they will match the participants list (Viewers) and the list of teachers (Creator, Publisher).

Anything you upload or record to these folders will automatically be available to these groups. The latest recordings will show up in the Panopto block. You can also add links to Panopto videos or embed them at different points in your Moodle page, if you want to control where in the course they show up. As long as you keep “Who has access” set to Specific people, your videos will remain accessible only to people enrolled in the course.

Anyone with a Student role in a Moodle course can view all of a course’s recordings in the Panopto Moodle block, pictured below. Each of the recordings will be listed under Completed Recordings. By default, this block is in the right sidebar of new course shells.

Panopto block in Moodle

If this block is missing from your Moodle course, you can add it back in by clicking Turn editing on, scrolling down the left sidebar until you see Add a Block, and choosing Panopto from the drop-down menu.

If you can see the block but a student cannot, they may have hidden it (only the title will appear) or docked it (only the title appears vertically on the left side of the screen). Instead of going through Moodle, you can also directly visit the Bryn Mawr Panopto platform to access your recordings.

Share on Moodle using the Panopto embed button

In some cases, you may want particular Panopto recordings to correlate with a specific course week or section, outside of the general list that’s found in the Moodle Block. The quickest way to do so is through the Panopto Embed button. 

To embed a Panopto recording into your course:

  1. Login to your Moodle course.
  2. Turn editing on, and select Add an activity or resource.
  3. After deciding which kind of activity/resource you’d like to add, take a look at the toolbar that appears and directly click the small green Panopto Embed button in the toolbar.

Panopto embed button in toolbar

You’ll then be given three options to add the video to your Moodle Course:

  • Choose“: Here you’ll be able to select the video you want to add to your activity/resource from a list of all of the Panopto recordings you’ve made for said course.

Panopto options with Choose circled

  • Upload“: With the Upload option, you can upload a particular video or audio file from your computer to be embedded into the activity/resource.

Panopto options with Upload circled

  • Record“: With Record, you can record a new video to be added. After selecting this option, you’ll be able to open the Panopto desktop app directly. After finishing the recording, it will be processed and uploaded to Panopto–afterwards, the new recording will be uploaded to your pre-selected Moodle activity/resource.

Panopto options with Record circled

After choosing which option you’d like to use, click Save and Return to Course and you should now your video embedded into its new activity/resource/section. Please note that students will have to log in with their Moodle credentials to access the video.

Share recordings outside of Moodle

Panopto is integrated with Moodle in order to make it easy for faculty to record and share course-related video with students. However, you can also share links to Panopto videos outside of Moodle and embed video or links in websites.

To share viewing links to Panopto videos:

  1. Log into Panopto.
  2. Find the recording you want to share and select the Share button underneath.
  3. Under the Who has access section, choose the level of access. See Viewer Permission Levels at the beginning of this article.
  4. Panopto will generate a new URL for the recording. Copy this URL and share it with anyone who needs to view the recording.

Note: By default, sharing only gives people the ability to a stream the video — that is, to view while logged in to the Internet. You must enable downloading (either for everyone or select individuals) to give viewers the ability to download and watch offline.

Learn more:


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